Child support is a court-requested installment requiring the noncustodial parent to pay the kid back to the custodial parent for the consideration of the kid. The Court may likewise arrange kid backing to be paid when guardians share the authority of a child.
The reason for child support installments is to help pay for the expenses related to bringing up the kid. The advantages of child support installments for kids are colossal. Exploration shows kids whose guardians pay steady child support are better carried on and are more effective in school since it expands their way of life and dependability in their life.
In the event that you need help gathering kid support, the Maryland child support program can help. The laws regarding Child Support in Maryland is very strict and ensures such arrangement which will be in the child’s best interests. The new Maryland child support guidelines, effective for cases filed after October 1, 2010, have increased child support amounts and provided guidelines for parents who earn a combined income of more than $120,000 per year and up to $180,000 per year.
Both parents have a legal duty to support their children based on their ability to provide that support. Both parents can agree to the appropriate amount of child support and make this agreement part of a marital separation agreement. Child support payments, like alimony, may be incorporated into the divorce judgment or included in a marital separation agreement as well.
At Belli, Weil & Grozbean, P.C. Law Firm, we try to ensure that your child gets the best possible option. We also try to answer some difficult questions of our clients like:
- How the child support will be determined?
- How are child care expenses determined?
- What counts as income for computing child support?
- What about company-paid cars, business expense accounts, and other business expenses?
- How is income from self-employment or a small business figured?
- Are there any other kinds of income that can be included?
- Does overtime income count?
- Why are the guidelines necessary?
- Does the amount of time a child spends with each parent affect child support?
- Can a parent avoid owing child support by taking a lower-paying job or choosing an alternative lifestyle?
- What if the parties combined income exceeds $10,000?
- Is child support affected by whether the child was born in or out of wedlock?
In the event that you have gone to our law office site searching for help with Maryland with your family law case, you are likely going through an exceptionally troublesome time in your life. We get it, and we are here to help. You need insight. You need empathy. Or more all, you need trust. You need to have believed that your lawyer will deal with the case appropriately from beginning to end and do precisely what You need us to do. Call us to know more about our approach for your case.