Mediation of legitimate questions is a crucial device for individuals and organizations confronting legal contentions. The conventional ill-disposed framework much of the time neglects to deliver fulfilling results at an incredible monetary expense. Clashed parties are baffled after the case is finished. More terrible families frequently are taking care of their legitimate charges emerging from separate from prosecution for quite a long time. Burdening parties with legal obligations isn’t the best approach to post-separate from recuperation. There must be a superior way, and now there is. Intervention is essential for the better method to separate, an elective question goal measure which substitutes discretion for animosity when heightening is very hindering to families genuinely and monetarily.
In family law matters, hatred after lawyer arranged child care, backing, and property settlement and partition arrangements make a kindling box for future conflicts. Where debates are settled by preliminary and orders of the court, prosecutors are marked as victors or failures or both, and negative emotions are intensified. Negative results in addition to pounding legitimate obligations can be life-changing.
Our Divorce mediation lawyers in Maryland are headed by Clark E. Wisor III. Mr. Wisor comes to us after serving for years as a Family Law Magistrate in the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Every day he listened to family law cases and render decisions that affect visitation, alimony, child support , and property issues. He brings to our firm a wealth of knowledge and reduces the stress of litigation while saving couples thousands of dollars in legal fees. His demeanor is calm and reassuring as he works with each party to reach a settlement that meets their needs. Our Divorce mediation lawyers in Maryland are headed by Clark E. Wisor III. Mr. Wisor comes to us after serving for years as a Family Law Magistrate in the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Every day he listened to family law cases and render decisions that affect visitation, alimony, child support, and property issues. He brings to our firm a wealth of knowledge and reduces the stress of litigation while saving couples thousands of dollars in legal fees. His demeanor is calm and reassuring as he works with each party to reach a settlement that meets their needs.
- Quicker: Mediation is a much shorter process than litigating before the Court.
- Less Expensive: Mediation eliminates the costly expense of litigation, court expenses, court appearances and voluminous formal discovery.
- Less Formal: You typically meet in our office where we have multiple conference areas. In our relaxed atmosphere, this process is less stressful than contested litigation proceedings.
- Confidential: Everything you say and produce during mediation is confidential and our mediator will not discuss anything you deem confidential under the terms of the standard mediation agreement both of you will sign. This is done so each party can feel comfortable during the process.
- Control: Mediation allows you to be in control of your family rather than a Judge or Magistrate. The Court hears your case and make decisions that you may not like or agree with.
- End Result: You control your own destiny without Court intervention.
On the off chance that you are searching for any help for your case, feel free to call us anytime at 301-738-5700